Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

Selects residues in the pose at random. Note that this residue selector is stochastic. This is, it will return a different set of residues every time it is called. However, the randomly selected residues can be saved using the StoreResidueSubsetMover and retrieved using the StoredResidueSubset selector.

<RandomResidue name="(&string;)" selector="(&string;)"
        num_residues="(&non_negative_integer;)" select_res_cluster="(&bool;)"
        distance_cutoff="(&real;)" >
    <Residue Selector Tag ... />
  • selector: . The name of a previously declared residue selector or a logical expression of AND, NOT (!), OR, parentheses, and the names of previously declared residue selectors. Any capitalization of AND, NOT, and OR is accepted. An exclamation mark can be used instead of NOT. Boolean operators have their traditional priorities: NOT then AND then OR. For example, if selectors s1, s2, and s3 have been declared, you could write: 's1 or s2 and not s3' which would select a particular residue if that residue were selected by s1 or if it were selected by s2 but not by s3.
  • num_residues: The number of residues to be randomly selected
  • select_res_cluster: option to only select multiple residues near each other, only applies to case where num_residues greater than 1, multiple random residues are required to be within distance_cutoff angstroms of one another
  • distance_cutoff: only active when select_res_cluster set to true, distance that defines whether two residues are neighbors or not

"Residue Selector Tag": Any of the ResidueSelectors