Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

The ResidueNameSelector selects residues using a string containing residue names Note that one of residue_name3 and residue_names are REQUIRED.

<ResidueName name="(&string;)" residue_name3="(&string;)"
        residue_names="(&string;)" />
  • residue_name3: A comma-separated list of 3-letter Rosetta residue names. These will be selected regardless of variant type. For example, 'SER' will select residues named 'SER', 'SER:NtermProteinFull', and 'SER:Phosphorylated'. Note that one of residue_name3 and residue_names are REQUIRED.
  • residue_names: A comma-separated list of Rosetta residue names (including patches). For example, 'CYD' will select all disulfides, and 'CYD,SER:NTermProteinFull,ALA' will select all disulfides, alanines, and N-terminal serines -- all other residues will not be selected (i.e. be false in the ResidueSubset object). Note that one of residue_name3 and residue_names are REQUIRED.