Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

Residue selector that allows slicing of the selection of other residue selections. Also allows negative indexing. 1 is the first residue and -1 is the last.

References and author information for the Slice residue selector:

SliceResidueSelector ResidueSelector's author(s): Brian Coventry, Baker Laboratory, Institute for Protein Design, Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Washington []

<Slice name="(&string;)" selector="(&string;)" from="(0 &integer;)"
        to="(1 &integer;)" indices="(&string;)" slice_mode="(SPARSE &string;)"
        oob_mode="(ERROR &string;)" >
    <Residue Selector Tag ... />
  • selector: The selector to slice from. The name of a previously declared residue selector or a logical expression of AND, NOT (!), OR, parentheses, and the names of previously declared residue selectors. Any capitalization of AND, NOT, and OR is accepted. An exclamation mark can be used instead of NOT. Boolean operators have their traditional priorities: NOT then AND then OR. For example, if selectors s1, s2, and s3 have been declared, you could write: 's1 or s2 and not s3' which would select a particular residue if that residue were selected by s1 or if it were selected by s2 but not by s3.
  • from: Range selection: This is the first residue of the range to select.
  • to: Range selection: This is the last residue of the range to select.
  • indices: Index selection: Comma separated list of indices. May not use this with from-to
  • slice_mode: How should the previous residue selector be represented? SPARSE: all gaps are removed from the previous selection. If residues 101 and 200 are selected, only indices 1 and 2 are valid. CONTIGUOUS: gaps from previous selection are included in indices. If residues 101 and 200 are selected, all indices from 1 to 100 are valid.
  • oob_mode: If an index is out of bounds, how should this be handled? ERROR: Quit and display error message. WARN: Display error message. IGNORE: Ignore.

"Residue Selector Tag": Any of the ResidueSelectors