Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:

Before residue selectors were introduced in Rosetta, task operations were commonly used as the means of selecting residues. The TaskSelector provides an easy way to convert an old-style selection, made with task operations, to a new-style, residue selector-based selection.

<Task name="(&string;)"
        designable="(true &bool;)" packable="(true &bool;)"
        fixed="(false &bool;)" />
  • task_operations: (REQUIRED) A comma-separated list of task operations to use to generate a selection.
  • designable: If true, residues that the task operations designate as designable are selected.
  • packable: If true, residues that the task operations designate as packable are selected.
  • fixed: If ture, residues that the task operations designate as fixed (i.e. not designable or packable) are selected.