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documentation written by Jonathan Weinstein, Nov 2017
finds a vector which is a linear regression of all backbone atoms in each TM span specified by the user. this filter calculates one of 3 things: 1. the crossing angle between the vecors 2. the distance between the vectors at the nearest point along the vectors 3. the closest distance between the helices (in actual atomic distance)
<HelixHelixAngleFilter name="(& string)" start_helix_1="(0 Size)" start_helix_2="(0 Size)" end_helix_1="(0 Size)" end_helix_2="(0 Size)" angle_min="(40.0 Real)" angle_max="(100.0 Real)" dist_min="(0.0 Real)" dist_max="(5.0 Real)" angle_or_dist="(angle string)" dist_by_atom="(true bool)"/>