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Sample whole sequences or a specified number of mutations from a PerResidueProbabilitiesMetric and thread them onto the pose.
Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:
A class to sample sequences from a PerResidueProbabilitiesMetric and thread them onto the pose.
References and author information for the SampleSequenceFromProbabilities mover:
SampleSequenceFromProbabilities Mover's author(s): Moritz Ertelt, University of Leipzig
<SampleSequenceFromProbabilities name="(&string;)" metric="(&string;)"
pos_temp="(1 ℜ)" aa_temp="(1 ℜ)" prob_cutoff="(0.0001 ℜ)"
delta_prob_cutoff="(0 ℜ)"
max_mutations="(10000 &non_negative_integer;)" packing="(true &bool;)"
use_cached_data="(false &bool;)" cache_prefix="(&string;)"
cache_suffix="(&string;)" fail_on_missing_cache="(true &bool;)"
packer_palette="(&named_packer_palette;)" />
In this example, we sample ten mutations from ESM predicted probabilities, where each mutation needs have at least a probability of 0.0001 and a delta probability to current of 0.0 (meaning at least as likely as the current amino acid at a particular position). There is a temperature option for both the choice of position and amino acids, where T<1 leads to more deterministic behavior and T>1 to more diversity. We also restrict the choice of mutations with a resfile specifying packing behavior of residues and/or amino acids.
<ReadResfile name="rrf" filename="./resfile.resfile"/>
<Chain name="res" chains="A" />
----------------- Define model to use for prediction -----------------------------
<PerResidueEsmProbabilitiesMetric name="esm" residue_selector="res" model="esm2_t30_150M_UR50D" write_pssm="" multirun="true"/>
----------------------- Sample mutations ------------------------------------------
<SampleSequenceFromProbabilities name="sample" metric="esm" pos_temp="1.0" aa_temp="1.0" prob_cutoff="0.0001" delta_prob_cutoff="0.0" max_mutations="10" task_operations="rrf" use_cached_data="true"/>
<RunSimpleMetrics name="run" metrics="esm"/>
<Add mover_name="run"/>
<Add mover_name="sample"/>
This is currently unpublished.