This Mover can be used in case visualization is done outside of Pymol. If you use Pymol, we advise using the built-in visualization of the PymolMover (ADD LINK HERE). It outputs hetero-atoms (HETATM) to the PDB file.
The following options are available via RosettaScripts:
- Float - Desired spacing of the HETATMs in the PDB output that represent the membrane bilayer.
- Float - Half of the width of the membrane square visualized in the xy-plane. Default is 100A.
- Float - Half (correct?) of the membrane thickness.
Alford RF, Koehler Leman J, Weitzner BD, Duran A, Tiley DC, Gray JJ (2015). An integrated framework advancing membrane protein modeling and design. PLoS Comput. Biol. - In Press