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Creates a disjointed foldtree where each selected residue has cuts N- and C-terminally to it.

<HotspotDisjointedFoldTree name="(&string)" ddG_threshold="(1.0 &Real)" resnums="('' comma-delimited list of residues &string)" scorefxn="(score12 &string)" chain="(2 &Integer)" radius="(8.0 &Real)"/>
  • ddG_threshold: The procedure can look for hot-spot residues automatically by using this threshold. If you want to shut it off, specify a number above 100R.e.u. and set the residues in resnums
  • chain: Anything other than chain 1 is untested, but should not be a big problem to make work.
  • radius: what distance from the target protein constitutes interface. Used in conjunction with the ddG_threshold to set the target residues automatically.

See Also