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Save a PerResidueProbabilitiesMetric to a weights and/or position-specific-scoring-matrix (PSSM) file. The weights file can be loaded as LoadedProbabilitiesMetric and the PSSM can be used with the FavorSequenceProfileMover to add ResidueType constraints for a design run.
Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:
A class to save the probabilities from a PerResidueProbabilitiesMetric in a weights file.
References and author information for the SaveProbabilitiesMetricMover mover:
SaveProbabilitiesMetricMover Mover's author(s): Moritz Ertelt, University of Leipzig
<SaveProbabilitiesMetricMover name="(&string;)" metric="(&string;)"
filename="(&string;)" filetype="(weights &string;)"
use_cached_data="(false &bool;)" cache_prefix="(&string;)"
cache_suffix="(&string;)" fail_on_missing_cache="(true &bool;)" />
Here we use the ESM language model to predict amino acid probabilities and save them both as PSSM and weights file.
<Chain name="res" chains="A" />
----------------- Define model to use for prediction -----------------------------
<PerResidueEsmProbabilitiesMetric name="esm" residue_selector="res" model="esm2_t30_150M_UR50D" multirun="true"/>
<RunSimpleMetrics name="inference" metrics="esm"/>
-------------------------- Setup saving ---------------------------------------------
<SaveProbabilitiesMetricMover name="save" metric="esm" filename="probs" filetype="both" use_cached_data="true"/>
<Add mover_name="inference"/>
<Add mover_name="save"/>
This is currently unpublished.