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A metric to load a probabilities weights file into a PerResidueProbabilitiesMetric, which then can be used downstream. The weights file can be created by saving a metric with the SaveProbabilitiesMetricMover or through manual creation. The format is POSENUMBER RESIDUETYPE WEIGHT
, see below for an example.
Autogenerated Tag Syntax Documentation:
A class to load a probabilities weights file into a PerResidueProbabilitiesMetric. Does not involve the current pose for the calculate function, but stores the loaded values in the pose cache.
References and author information for the LoadedProbabilitiesMetric simple metric:
LoadedProbabilitiesMetric SimpleMetric's author(s): Moritz Ertelt, University of Leipzig
<LoadedProbabilitiesMetric name="(&string;)" custom_type="(&string;)"
output_as_pdb_nums="(false &bool;)" residue_selector="(&string;)"
filename="(&string;)" />
Load probabilities from a specified file and use them to score the current pdb with the PseudoPerplexityMetric. The first lines of the probs.weights
file look like this:
1 ALA 0.000125
1 CYS 0.0
1 ASP 0.0
1 GLU 0.0
1 PHE 0.002197
1 MET 0.972065
1 ASN 0.0
<LoadedProbabilitiesMetric name="loaded_probs" filename="probs.weights"/>
<PseudoPerplexityMetric name="perplex" metric="loaded_probs" use_cached_data="true"/>
<RunSimpleMetrics name="load" metrics="loaded_probs"/>
<RunSimpleMetrics name="score" metrics="perplex"/>
<Add mover_name="load"/>
<Add mover_name="score"/>
The implementation in Rosetta is currently unpublished.