This page describes workflows using PerResidueProbabilitiesMetrics, which provide predicted amino acid probabilities from e.g. ProteinMPNN or the ESM language family. For example, they can be used to score a given protein structure, to analyze conservation of residues, or to directly sample mutations from.
In order to run ML models you will have to compile with extras=torch,tensorflow
, for details see Building Rosetta with TensorFlow and Torch. Alternatively you can use the available docker containers, e.g. docker run -it rosettacommons/rosetta:ml
. All other metrics/movers/taskops do no require extras per se.
Currently available models are ProteinMPNN and the ESM language model family. Both models predict amino acid probabilities for a given residue selection, with ESM only using the sequence and ProteinMPNN using both backbone and sequence to make predictions. For more details on available options and paper references see the individual documentation.
<Chain name="res" chains="A" />
----------------- Define models to use -----------------------------
<ProteinMPNNProbabilitiesMetric name="mpnn" residue_selector="res"/>
<PerResidueEsmProbabilitiesMetric name="esm" residue_selector="res" model="esm2_t33_650M_UR50D"/>
<RunSimpleMetrics name="predictions" metrics="mpnn,esm"/>
<Add mover_name="predictions"/>
Multiple PerResidueProbabilitiesMetrics can be averaged together, which is useful for later combined sampling or scoring. A weight can be provided for each metric to up-/down-weigh specific metrics. In the following example, we average the predictions of ProteinMPNN and ESM (with twice the weight on ESM) and then score our protein.
<Chain name="res" chains="A" />
----------------- Define models to use -----------------------------
<ProteinMPNNProbabilitiesMetric name="mpnn" residue_selector="res"/>
<PerResidueEsmProbabilitiesMetric name="esm" residue_selector="res" model="esm2_t33_650M_UR50D"/>
----------------- Average predictions without re-calculation -------
<AverageProbabilitiesMetric name="avg" metrics="mpnn,esm" weights="1,2" use_cached_data="true"/>
----------------- Analyze predictions without re-calculation -------
<PseudoPerplexityMetric name="avg_perplex" metric="avg" use_cached_data="true" custom_type="avg"/>
<RunSimpleMetrics name="predictions" metrics="mpnn,esm"/>
<RunSimpleMetrics name="analysis" metrics="avg,avg_perplex"/>
<Add mover_name="predictions"/>
<Add mover_name="analaysis"/>
All PerResidueProbabilities can be saved to a weights file format or a psi-blast style PSSM (position-specific-scoring-matrix). This is either useful for separating model predictions and later sequence/mutation sampling (weights file), or to constrain during design (PSSM file).
<Chain name="res" chains="A" />
----------------- Define model to use for prediction -----------------------------
<PerResidueEsmProbabilitiesMetric name="esm" residue_selector="res" model="esm2_t33_650M_UR50D" multirun="true"/>
<RunSimpleMetrics name="inference" metrics="esm"/>
-------------------------- Setup saving ---------------------------------------------
<SaveProbabilitiesMetricMover name="save" metric="esm" filename="probs" filetype="both" use_cached_data="true"/>
<Add mover_name="inference"/>
<Add mover_name="save"/>
Probabilities weight files saved with the SaveProbabilitiesMetricMover or manually created can be loaded into a PerResidueProbabilitiesMetric. The first lines of the probs.weights
file look like this:
1 ALA 0.000125
1 CYS 0.0
1 ASP 0.0
1 GLU 0.0
1 PHE 0.002197
1 MET 0.972065
1 ASN 0.0
<LoadedProbabilitiesMetric name="loaded_probs" filename="probs.weights"/>
<PseudoPerplexityMetric name="perplex" metric="loaded_probs" use_cached_data="true"/>
<RunSimpleMetrics name="load" metrics="loaded_probs"/>
<RunSimpleMetrics name="score" metrics="perplex"/>
<Add mover_name="load"/>
<Add mover_name="score"/>
To score a pose with predicted probabilities the PseudoPerplexityMetric can be used, where lower is better with 1 being the lowest possible value.
<Chain name="res" chains="A" />
<PerResidueEsmProbabilitiesMetric name="prediction" residue_selector="res" model="esm2_t33_650M_UR50D"/>
<PseudoPerplexityMetric name="perplex" metric="prediction"/>
<RunSimpleMetrics name="run" metrics="perplex"/>
<Add mover_name="run"/>
To get the conservation of positions relative to the predicted probabilities, the ProbabilityConservationMetric can be used. It provides the relative Shannon Entropy, where the returned value is between 0 (no conservation, all amino acids are equally likely) to 1 (fully conserved, only one amino acid is predicted). The example below also outputs the values to the b-factor column of the pdb, allowing easy visualization in PyMol/ChimeraX.
<ProteinMPNNProbabilitiesMetric name="prediction"/>
<ProbabilityConservationMetric name="conservation" metric="prediction" custom_type="score"/>
<RunSimpleMetrics name="run" metrics="conservation" metric_to_bfactor="score"/>
<Add mover_name="run"/>
A metric for calculating mutations with the highest delta probability to the current residues from a PerResidueProbabilitiesMetric can be used to quickly identify single-point mutations that are likely to have a high impact. The examples uses the ESM language model to predict amino acid probabilities, and then gets the ten most likely mutations that are at least as likely as the currently present amino acid.
<Chain name="res" chains="A" />
----------------- Define models to use -----------------------------
<PerResidueEsmProbabilitiesMetric name="esm" residue_selector="res" model="esm2_t33_650M_UR50D"/>
----------------- Analyze predictions without re-calculation -------
<BestMutationsFromProbabilitiesMetric name="esm_mutations" metric="esm" use_cached_data="true" max_mutations=10 delta_cutoff=0.0 />
<RunSimpleMetrics name="inference" metrics="esm"/>
<RunSimpleMetrics name="analysis" metrics="esm_mutations"/>
<Add mover_name="inference"/>
<Add mover_name="analysis"/>
The predicted probabilities can be used to design (change) the whole sequence of a pose or a user-specified amount of mutations, starting from positions that differ the most from the predictions using this mover. In the example below, we sample ten mutations from ESM predicted probabilities, where each mutation needs have at least a probability of 0.0001 and a delta probability to current of 0.0 (meaning at least as likely as the current amino acid at a particular position). There is a temperature option for both the choice of position and amino acids, where T<1 leads to more deterministic behavior and T>1 to more diversity. We also restrict the choice of mutations with a resfile specifying packing behavior of residues and/or amino acids.
<ReadResfile name="rrf" filename="./resfile.resfile"/>
<Chain name="res" chains="A" />
----------------- Define model to use for prediction -----------------------------
<PerResidueEsmProbabilitiesMetric name="esm" residue_selector="res" model="esm2_t30_150M_UR50D" multirun="true"/>
----------------------- Sample mutations ------------------------------------------
<SampleSequenceFromProbabilities name="sample" metric="esm" pos_temp="1.0" aa_temp="1.0" prob_cutoff="0.0001" delta_prob_cutoff="0.0" max_mutations="10" task_operations="rrf" use_cached_data="true"/>
<RunSimpleMetrics name="run" metrics="esm"/>
<Add mover_name="run"/>
<Add mover_name="sample"/>
In order to limit the search space during design, amino acids predicted as unlikely can be turned of using this TaskOperation. The example below loads probabilities from a weights file and restricts to amino acids that have at least a probability of 0.0001 and a delta probability of 0 (meaning at least as likely as the current amino acid at that position).
<LoadedProbabilitiesMetric name="loaded_probs" filename="probs.weights"/>
<RestrictAAsFromProbabilities name="restrict_to_probs" metric="loaded_probs" prob_cutoff="0.0001" delta_prob_cutoff="0.0" use_cached_data="true"/>
<PackRotamersMover name="design" scorefxn="beta" task_operations="restrict_to_probs" />
<Add mover_name="load"/>
<Add mover_name="design"/>
Another way to inform Rosetta of the predicted probabilities is to turn them into ResidueType constraints. Therefore a PerResidueProbabilitiesMetric should be saved as a psi-blast style PSSM which can be used with the FavorSequenceProfileMover, e.g.:
--------------- Setup a scorefunction with ResidueType constraints turned on -------------
<ScoreFunction name="beta" weights="beta"/>
<ScoreFunction name="beta_cst" weights="beta">
<Reweight scoretype="res_type_constraint" weight="1.0"/>
-------------------------- Setup ResidueType constraints ----------------------------
<FavorSequenceProfile name="favor" scaling="global" weight="15" pssm="probabilities.pssm" scorefxns="beta_cst" chain="1"/>
-------------------------- Setup your favorite design mover -------------------------
<PackRotamersMover name="design" scorefxn="beta_cst"/>
<Add mover_name="favor"/>
<Add mover_name="design"/>
<OUTPUT scorefxn="beta" />